Hotel Southern Grand, Vijayawada, is in a strategic location in the city. A perfect blend of style and comfort, the hotel caters to the discerning traveller. Is hotel is well connected to the railway station and other prominent landmarks.
Hotel Southern Grand is situated at Papaiah Street, Gandhi Nagar in Vijayawada. Remarkable tourist attractions like Prakasam Barrage (Approx. 3km) and Ranjiv Gandhi Park (Approx. 2km) surround the hotel. Prakasam Barrage offers stunning views of the adjacent lake. Journey to the nearby Kanaka Durga Temple, Bhavani Island and Undavalli Caves is worth-visiting in Vijayawada.
Distance from Vijayawada Airport: 23 km (approx.)
Distance from Vijayawada Junction Railway Station: 5 km (approx.)